We want your return process to be as hassle free as possible. If for any reason you are not satisfied, simply return your items in its original packaging to the nearest Benny's location with a copy of your invoice and a copy of your photo ID for immediate processing. Purchases are returnable up to fifteen (15) days from the original date of purchase. Returns are subject to a 10% restocking fee. Exclusions Apply. BestRoof items are nonrefundable.
Within thirty (30) days of discovering a defect, take your product, along with proof of purchase to any authorized Benny’s Enterprises Ltd. dealer from whom you purchased your product, or any Benny's Enterprises Ltd. retail location for immediate inspection and processing.
Your BestManufacturing product is built to provide you with years of use and enjoyment. Our warranty does not cover the replacement of wear and tear parts nor items not directly produced by BestManufacturing, LLP. Use of the product must be consistent with its intended form and function. If you need replacement parts, technical assistance or product / service information, please contact your nearest Benny’s retail location or email us at Benny's Enterprises Ltd. warrant to the retail customer that your product is free from material and workmanship defect. Defect refers to any imperfection that impairs the original function of the product. Warranty is for the initial end consumer only and is not transferable.
BestSport FAM Kayaks
Two (2) Year Hull coverage against material and workmanship defect for kayaks purchased for recreational use. Six (6) month coverage for kayaks purchased for commercial / rental use.
BestSpace Furniture
Four (4) Year coverage against material and workmanship defect for all indoor/outdoor furniture whether purchased for residential or commercial / rental use.
Bestank Water Tanks
Fifteen (15) Year coverage against material defect and manufacturing workmanship. Defects arising from the improper installation of water tanks and/or use for applications that were not designed for including but not limited to (transportation of water, burying, chemical storage, etc).
BesTrough Feeding Troughs
Five (5) Year coverage against material defect and manufacturing workmanship.
Five (5) Year coverage against material defect and manufacturing workmanship.
BestDock Floating Docks
Five (5) Year coverage against material defect and manufacturing workmanship on flotation pods. One (1) Year coverage for Hardware and Accessories against material defect and manufacturing workmanship.
This Warranty Does Not Cover:
- ✔ Normal wear and discoloration
- ✔ Damage caused by abuse or failure to perform normal maintenance
- ✔ Damage caused by hitting submerged objects or beaching
- ✔ Damage caused by mooring or storing boat in water. Kayaks are not manufactured with anti-fouling coatings and as such can be damaged from marine or fresh water fouling organisms.
- ✔ Damage caused by improper support during transportation and storage.
- ✔ Damage caused by alterations and modifications
- ✔ Any other consequential or incidental damage or expense, including damage to property
- ✔ Damage from wear and tear use, including those not explicitly named
- ✔ Normal wear and discoloration
- ✔ Damage caused by abuse or failure to perform normal maintenance
- ✔ Damage caused by hitting submerged objects or beaching
- ✔ Damage caused by mooring or storing boat in water. Kayaks are not manufactured with anti-fouling coatings and as such can be damaged from marine or fresh water fouling organisms.
- ✔ Damage caused by improper support during transportation and storage.
- ✔ Damage caused by alterations and modifications
- ✔ Any other consequential or incidental damage or expense, including damage to property
- ✔ Damage from wear and tear use, including those not explicitly named
Any implied warranties, including implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, shall be no longer than the duration of this express warranty. Benny’s Enterprises Ltd. makes no express warranties in addition to this Limited Warranty. Benny’s Enterprises Ltd. dealers have no authority to make any warranties on behalf of Benny’s Enterprises Ltd. in addition to or inconsistent with those stated herein. During the warranty period Benny’s Enterprises Ltd. is obliged only to repair or replace, at its discretion, the above mentioned parts and or products, at either its manufacturing plant, or at an authorized dealer store or service center, as decided by Benny’s Enterprises Ltd.IN NO EVENT SHALL BENNY’S ENTERPRISES LTD. BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, COMPENSATORY, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES. BENNY’S ENTERPRISES LTD’S AGGREGATE LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO A DEFECTIVE PRODUCT SHALL BE LIMITED TO AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO CONSUMER’S ORIGINAL PURCHASE PRICE PAID, WITHOUT ANY FREIGHT, TAXES OR DUTIES PAID WITHIN JURISDICTION BOUGHT FOR, THAT DEFECTIVE PRODUCT.